Blog Posts Tips for Small Business OwnersBlog posts are a great part of content marketing. It does a lot for your business including increasing traffic, building trust with customers and humanizing your business.

Most importantly, it informs your customers about your products/services. However, blogging requires planning just like all other marketing efforts. Here are some helpful tips that can get you ahead of the game.

Post on a Consistent Basis

It’s all about timing.  According to Todaymade, most blogs fail after a few months only because they failed to be consistent. Have a schedule for your blog posts. Plan the amount of time you give yourself to generate an article and what days of the week you will post. For example, you can plan to produce three items a week and spend two days on each blog. If you create a pattern, you appear more organized and professional to your audience. Blogging consistently can help generate more traffic through SEO.

Bloggers Who Specialize

It would be great to have everyone at your company write blog posts. However, there’s the quality verses quantity issue. Producing fewer high quality articles rather than a bunch of unthoughtful articles is more effective and beneficial to your company. There are about 200 ranking factors in Google’s Algorithm according to Backlinko for high quality content. A couple of employees should write about what they know. In effect, experts are writing about their expertise, which Google values. These bloggers can learn all of the tactics and spend time learning the ropes of successful blogging.

Plan Your Topics Ahead of Time

You don’t want to come into work wasting time on searching for an article topic. Create a blog plan way ahead of time. Think about the topics you want to cover for the next few months. Ask yourself what your customers are interested in and what you think they need to know. Always keep topics relevant to your audience and not just your company. Have a variety of topics each week. For example, you can plan four SEO articles a month and post one each week. At NuZoo Media, we have a blog section called Biz Buzz where we write about fun and interesting topics such as local events. We post an article about every other week. This changes up the routine and keeps the blog interesting.

Piggyback off of Previous Articles

What does piggyback mean? It’s using a subject or a sub-topic from a previous article and creating an entire article on that topic. Things change so rapidly today that yesterday’s news is often obsolete or has dramatically changed in a short time. Revisit old posts, and create new, up-to-date articles. If you look back at your articles you might see little paragraphs that could be branched into several new articles. This also creates more room for in-bound links which is linking to articles you have written previously which can help with SEO.

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